Other wedding speeches

Wedding Speech Coaching for Brides, Mother of the Bride, bridesmaids, and other family members

The absolute formality and etiquette of yesteryear has been replaced with a more family orientated, practical approach to the wedding breakfast and speeches. In this enlightened age, if you want to have other speakers - then have them. Brides, Mother of the Bride, bridesmaids, and other family members all may be invited if you wish. These slightly more bespoke speeches can be just as carefully crafted to ensure that they fit easily into the flow of the day.

If you are asked to speak, you will need to be clear whether you are substituting for one of the main roles, in which case you can adapt that format to suit the reasons. However, maybe you are speaking in your own right at the invitation of the happy couple. This is where you now need to think about content. You will want to be original, but not detract or compete with other main speakers.

We can help you  identify what is your unique contribution to the day. How to bring in both families, share your experiences with one or both of the married couple, and how to conclude your speech in a memorable way - with or without a toast. (If you are not taking a substitute role, it will normally be without a toast).

Ensure your speech is enjoyed in its own right.

Our Summer Special Deal

Create three truly memorable wedding speeches with our special 3 for 2 coaching offer

Work together with the Groom, Best Man and Father of the Bride to create 3 truly memorable speeches.

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Wedding speech Testimonials

"People complimented me, saying how natural they thought the delivery was. Several close friends were amazed."

Top 10 wedding speech advice

How to make speeches memorable with our wedding speech tips

Read our hints and tips about how to make your speeches something to remember and not something to cringe about...

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